Wednesday, December 18, 2013

b's school christmas party

Today was Bryce's Christmas party at school.  These two are inseparable.  I'm the room parent for Bryce's class this year, but thankfully Thomas' mom was willing to help me out!   
I signed up to bring fruit and had planned to make strawberry Santa hats.  Thomas' mom, Barbara, mentioned Grinch Santa hats so I looked into them on Pinterest and decided they would provide more fruit than my original idea!  I think they turned out really well.

I think the other moms turned to Pinterest for ideas too!  I loved the Christmas tree brownies and snowman donuts!

After lunch the kids had a book exchange.  Last year the kids played musical chairs and couldn't handle it when they sat in a chair that didn't have "their" book under it (the one they brought for someone else).  This year we decided to put the kids' books in a bag so they couldn't see them and then we read a story and they had to pass their book every time they heard the word "Christmas".  It worked perfectly!!

Bryce was super excited to get the same book he gifted to someone else, but his came from his best bud, Thomas!!

The obligatory class picture!

Bryce and his sweet teachers Ms. Kim and Ms. Tammy.

The kids made the fun reindeer ornaments in class as gifts for the parents and we made the mitten ornament today at the party!

I just love the opportunity to stay home and be a part of Bryce's early years of school!


Shipley Mommy said...

I should have taken a picture of the mitten too. Oh, well it is happy on the tree. I didn't open the parent gift, I saved it for Christmas day (I am great at faking a surprise ;)

That picture of the boys at the table is too cute! And, I am glad Bryce liked his book. Now they have even more things the same :)

PS: Your Grinch fruit was a huge hit and they came out great!

Jodi said...

I'm home until January and got to go to my son's Christmas party this year. It was so fun to see him interact with his classmates. I turned to Pinterest for what we gave his classmates, a bag of Snowman Poop. Haha. Oh and I've made the Grinch kabobs twice this year. They are too easy and cute!

stevenjared0853 said...

Wow! That’s an innovative way of making a Christmas hat with strawberry, banana and grape! It’s amazing! I will try it too this time. We have just shifted to a new place and so I am thinking of booking one of the Los Angeles event venues for the Christmas party because the house is still a mess.