I've sat down to blog so many times this week and I've just got nothing! I haven't been taking pictures and I've just been trying to keep us busy (fun busy, not errands busy)! So today I just have a mish mash of random!
I subbed at my old school on Wednesday and Thursday. I can really admit that I don't miss teaching. I think I just got overwhelmed and burnt out in my career. I did however enjoy walking into the classroom both days to lesson plans already written and papers run and ready for the day. I love the subbing side of things because there is little stress and no planning! I still get to do what I love and teach, but I don't have to deal with the "mess" that comes along with it.
However, while working those two days, I realized that maybe I'm better off at home. Bryce only goes to school two days a week so it's pretty easy keeping up with his schedule (ie. chapel, music, library, etc.). He has library on Thursday so he has to return his book he checked out the previous week. When I got home Thursday, I noticed he had gotten a new book from the library. And I thought to myself, oh no, I forgot to send his book back. But I was glad they let him check out a book anyway. Later, come to find out, Bryce reminded my mom in the car before they left the house for school that he needed his library book to take back to school. How he knew it wasn't in his back pack, or that it was library day because it was Thursday, just surprises me. I was so proud of him for being so responsible when I was not! Guess it's a good thing I only sub a few random days because who knows what else I might forget for his school.

I've tried to start watching less tv during nap time and after the kids are in bed. Well I've tried to start watching a lot less TLC since that's about the only channel other than ABC, CBS, and NBC we get since we don't have cable. I bought this book over the summer and never read it. I started reading it this week and it's pretty good so far.
Jason and I will celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary this summer. We had planned to go to San Fransisco, Napa Valley, and to see the redwoods. After thinking about it, I decided I didn't want to go that far while Emmy was still so young and I was worried we wouldn't have enough time out there since Jason will be using most of his vacation days for a mission trip this summer. So we've decided to go to Charleston instead. I'm so excited!
I'm in the midst of party planning. Emmy's birthday is February 6 and it is sneaking up on me! I found this adorable dress on a Facebook auction which led to her birthday theme. I didn't buy the dress because it was just too expensive for me, but my mom found another pink and gray dress that will work just fine!
I had my talented friend, Beth, at
Sunshine Ink Digitals, design this super cute invitation for the party. I'm in the process of sending them out, well mostly handing them out because I was too cheap to spend $17 on 100 envelopes when I only needed 15 and they were too big anyway! As far as decorations go, I get too overwhelmed because I see fun decorations and ideas, but I just don't have the budget or the creativity to put something together. Luckily for Bryce's party, I just have to order him a bowling themed birthday shirt, cake, and make goodie bags!
I just love target diapers. I was never a fan of Pampers, but I always used Huggies with Bryce. Once I started staying home, I gave the off brand diapers a try. I found the Target diapers to be most like Huggies, and I actually like them better!
Target curtain |
I had a yard sale back in September so I could make some money to redecorate our living room. I did a few things back in September/October but then I quit when I got to window treatments. I really wanted chevron curtains. I thought about buying fabric and having them made, but I just was never in the mood to go look. I read on
Kelly's Korner blog last week that Hobby Lobby had chevron curtains. We went last Friday and I found some that I liked. They only had 3 panels so I had to order the 4th. While waiting for it to come in, I found another pattern at Target that I liked too. I debated for days, but decided on the Chevron because the ones from Target were too short (however, I did find that I could order longer ones online). The chevron ones are too long, but my mom is going to take care of that. I hope to post pictures soon.
Well I think that is enough random for one day. And Emmy is up and wants to push every button on my computer! Hopefully I'll be back sooner than later with a real post so I don't end up with a bunch of miscellaneous nonsense again. Happy weekend friends!