Thursday, March 14, 2013

computer mess

We got a new computer last week with windows 8 and it has seriously made my head spin! We're in the midst of transferring stuff from the old computer to the new computer, but since I can't figure out how to do anything on the new computer I'm just doing nothing computer related. It didn't help that our router stopped working and it took Jason two days to figure out the problem. If it weren't for Jason to get us through computer woes, I'd be calling Geek Squad every day!

Bryce had his first t-ball practice tonight. If I ever figure out how to save pictures to the new computer, you might just get to see them. Until then, it's iPhone pics.

Emmy and her necklaces crack me up!

Today was green day at school for St. Patrick's Day.

Emmy enjoyed one of Bryce's green cookies he took to share for snack.

Emmy doesn't really have enough hair for bows and she always pulls them out, but this afternoon she was adamant that I put all of them in her hair!

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