Sunday, January 31, 2010
first haircut
Saturday, January 30, 2010
the view from here
As I was standing at the door taking this picture, a car (VW bug, crazy person) got stuck in the middle of the main road and people had to help them. I don't know why people, including my husband, need to get out in this stuff. I love a good snow day at home. I have already accomplished so much today.....made muffins for Bryce for breakfast, did laundry, ordered Bryce's birthday cake, typed up my report card comments, assembled Bryce's ABC mat, ate leftover pizza from last night, ate 3/4 of a bag of almond M&M's, and I'm currently deciding what I want to eat next, ha. Eating is the downfall to a snow day! Is it snowing where you live?
Friday, January 29, 2010
power button
Thursday, January 28, 2010
a long rambling post about an invitation

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
11 months
- You L.O.V.E. to eat, but you are kind of a picky eater. You like all fruits and breads, but you aren't much for veggies or meat.
- You took your first steps today. It was only about 3 steps, but that is HUGE!
- Your vocabulary is growing. I did an update on your vocabulary here, but since then, you can tell us what sound the elephant makes (it is too cute) and you can hold up one finger to tell us how old you are going to be!
I'm sure there is much more that I am leaving out, but I feel like I have been updating your progress this month since you are doing so much. Daddy and I love you so much and we are so happy you are in our lives. You continue to bring us so much joy everyday.
baby dedication
Every January our church has a baby dedication service to recognize the babies that were born the previous year. Parents promise to be an example to their children and instruct them in the ways of the Lord and to love and cherish them as gifts from God. The congregation promises to support the families, encourage them, and assist them in Godly training of our little ones! I hope Bryce follows in his Daddy's Christian footsteps, what a great role model.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
another pictureless weekend recap
We had a nice weekend! Friday night we ran a few errands and went out to dinner. We went to Suffolk on Saturday and had a wonderful visit with Nanny and Poppy. They both looked great and Nanny is on the mend from her hip replacement. I actually let myself relax on Saturday night. I watched Julie and Julia and really enjoyed it. This morning was baby recognition Sunday at church. We dressed Bryce up in his suit and tie and showed him off! He looked super cute. My pictures were not great so I'm waiting to get some others from a friend. Bryce will be 11 months tomorrow! I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. I just hope I can get his birthday party planned with all of the other events that seem to be popping up every weekend. We are getting a new shower installed on Tuesday. I'm really hoping this will help us sell the house. We're having an open house next Sunday. Well enough of my random thoughts. I hope to post some pictures of all the events I have mentioned tonight. Happy Sunday!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
happy birthday, macy