Thursday, April 2, 2020

washington dc - virtual field trip

The 5th grade was scheduled to be in Washington DC for their class field trip today.  The trip was canceled even before the kids got out of school for the pandemic.  Bryce was so bummed that he and Jason wouldn't get to go.

We told Bryce we'd take him to DC when life returns to "normal" but in the meantime, we surprised him with a day off from homeschool today to go on a virtual field trip to DC.

His teacher had told me they always go to the National Museum of Natural History so we decided to do that first.  We were able to do the virtual tour on the tv!  We saw lots of things, but didn't get to read or learn about many of the things but it definitely wet our appetite for more when we can go in person. 
Next was a view of the animal cams at the National Zoo.  We caught the pandas while they were enjoying breakfast!

There wasn't much we could see at the Air and Space Museum but Jason's virtual reality goggles made it more fun.

We wrapped up the trip with the Lincoln Memorial.  We had fun and can't wait to go in person so we can see and learn even more!

The kids rarely go out now because of the public ban, but we broke out for a Chick Fil A lunch.  Field trip lunches are always better than a regular packed lunch so we wrapped up the day with a treat!

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