Saturday, April 4, 2020

staying active and entertained

The kids have a checklist each day to make sure we complete our school work, sports and exercise.  Riding bikes to the post office to drop off letters and other mail has been our exercise most days.

The kids have zoomed with their classmates and us adults finally joined the fun.  We chatted with our small group on Thursday night.

Emmy zoomed with her Sunday school class on Friday.

When everyone is under the same roof all day everyday, it's hard to get some alone time.  I had a few things to drop on friend' porches this week so I took a drive and just sat and enjoyed some down time while I was out.

I'm proud to say that after eating and drinking all the things the first two weeks of quarantine, I have finally gotten back on the weight watchers train and I will hopefully not dread putting on a bathing suit when this is all over!

We've been working on a Resurrection devotional each night and the kids really look forward to it.  We're halfway done and will finish up just in time for Easter.

Bryce was out hitting baseballs with Papa on Friday so Emmy helped Jason do some power washing.

Lots of games and puzzles (and xbox and ipad) are getting us through.

Friday night was delightful!

I have no idea what they're talking about, ha!

I had to photo document this sign while I was at Target yesterday.  These are such strange times we're living.  I had gone to Walmart to get groceries and they were packed and not socially distancing so I decided to try Target.

I'm so curious as to what life will be like after the quarantine.  When we are all free to move about again will life resume as it was or we will continue some of these practices we've started?  It will be interesting for sure!

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