Monday, December 30, 2019

sloth adventure

Our family jumped on the sloth bandwagon a while back when they became popular and it was the theme of our Christmas this year.  We all had "Santa Claws" sloth shirts (like the one Jason is wearing) for our family Thanksgiving and Christmas tree decorating at my mom's.  For Christmas my mom gave the kids sloth sheets and she gifted us a behind the scenes sloth tour at the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk.  Jason arranged it all and picked this date months ago.  It ended up being a perfect day in the seventies!

The tour started before the zoo opened for the day.  KC was the sloth we met and she stays in her own building where they do all of the behind the scenes tours.

Everyone enjoyed feeding her and petting her.

She was so cute!

The blue bucket is her bed.  They say she will crawl in to it and cover herself up with it.  We were hoping she was nice and tired after all the food we fed her, but we couldn't get her to curl up in her bed while we were there.

After the tour we explored the rest of the zoo.  They had lots of exhibits and the weather was perfect.

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