Sunday, August 8, 2010

moving on

My childhood home is SOLD!
This weekend was moving weekend for my parents. I know it was an emotional time for them since they spent over 20 years in that house. I went over there Saturday to have a moment since I would not see (or at least go in) my childhood home again. It wasn't as emotional for me as I thought. I guess since I moved out 7 years ago when we got married I already said my good-byes and knew that house wouldn't be the same for me.

I snapped a picture of my old bedroom. When I left, my parents turned it into their workout room. They were in the process of packing it up when I came over.
We are glad that my parents will be living in our old house while their new house is being built. It's good for them because it is familiar territory to help them transition through their move and it is great for us because we know our house will be in perfect shape when they leave unlike when the last renters left.

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