Friday, December 18, 2009


Let me explain. Every year our school does a fundraiser in the fall. The incentive to get kids to sell is the promise of a pig if a certain percentage of the class sells items. The teachers dread the pig, but the students L.O.V.E. it! The pig is judged in two categories. 1) Creativity of name and outfit 2) Fastest pig. This event is way played out for teachers because we can't think of any more clever names with a play on any form of pig (swine, ham, pork, bacon, etc.). One of my students and his mom came up with "BLT", which I thought was perfect! As you can see, we strapped on bread, lettuce and tomato and the pig was obviously the bacon.
Then I had the grand idea of serving the sandwich as a meal with chips, pickle, and a drink.

Just about every other class in grades 3-5 did some play on swine flu or H1N1. Ours was original and we ended up winning 1st place for the name/outfit competition. My class gets a pizza party! We won't even talk about the actual race, ha!

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