Tuesday, March 4, 2014

make up your mind

I probably say this every year about this time, but this has been the longest winter EVER.  I know the time frame of winter is the same every year, but I don't think it's typically this cold or snowy.  I'm tired of the 60-70 degree weather that has been teasing us on the weekend only to turn super cold and snowy during the week!  This past Sunday we were outside enjoying every bit of the spring like weather, knowing full well that the following day old man winter would rear his ugly head again.
The boys spent the afternoon playing baseball, jumping on the trampoline and playing basketball.  They were hot so Jason finally convinced them to take their shirts off to play.  The boys were hesitant, but Jason insisted that basketball players play without their shirts, ha!  Jason got his seeds planted for this year's garden and now my kitchen has been turned into a green house until the sun and temperatures cooperate long enough for some outside time.

By Monday morning we were snowed in and school was cancelled and I had two kids already getting on each other's nerves.  I set Bryce up with a puzzle on the kitchen table and tucked Emmy into her rocking chair with the magna doodle for a few minutes of sanity.  Luckily Jason only worked for about an hour before heading home. 
I was so thankful that Jason took the kids out to play so I didn't have to!  I've taken advantage of these lazy snow days and have actually done some deep cleaning around the house!

Bryce went over to MeMa's house today while Emmy was napping and had fun building a snow fort with Chase.  I'm pretty impressed! 

I sure do hope this is the last of the snow.  I want spring!!
And just for fun, here are two songs I'm really enjoying right now!
Chris Tomlin - Lay Me Down
Mercy Me - Shake

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