Monday, July 13, 2020

a quiet quarantine week

I like the structure and routine that the school year brings, but I also like our down time in the summer.  However, since we've been out of school since March and no sense of normalcy, I'm ready for some structure back.  Emmy has gymnastics 3 days a week and Bryce has baseball 2 days a week so that helps, but since there are so many things we can't do, I've gotten lazy finding things we can do!

Kelly took the kids to play Putt Putt one day.

Bryce got a hole in one.

Each summer Emmy has a blood draw to check up on her peanut allergy.  The doctor has always been hopeful that she'll grow out of it, but I'm not getting my hopes up.  She is always so brave when we have it done.  Maybe this will be the year we get some good news!  

We have friends who breed labs.  They had a litter that was ready for visitors so we took the kids over for a puppy play date.  We've found Emmy is allergic to longer haired dogs and animals in general so we loaded her up on Benadryl before we went and made sure she didn't touch her face and she washed her hands as soon as she was done.  They were the cutest things.

The kids were in heaven.  They're not used to a dog that is always nice!

There were 10 puppies in this litter and they are all sold already.  It was fun to visit, but we won't be getting a new dog anytime soon!

We had a full day of baseball yesterday!  Bryce's team won their first game and lost their second game.  We finished pretty early in the day so we ended up sitting at the fields for almost 3 hours waiting to see if we'd play again.  There were a lot of moving parts and it came down to the wire but we made it to the championship game!

We ended up getting to replay the team we lost to and we beat them this time!

A win always makes a full day at the field a little better!

The kids spent the night with Jason's parents last night so we had a breakfast date this morning.  I had a smores waffle and it was amazing.  Quarantine life may be crazy but I have loved the extra time it has afforded us with Jason!

Happy Monday!

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