Saturday, February 9, 2019

The White House

Our neighbor signed up for a White House tour and had enough tickets for our family to go.  Today was the date we got selected to go.

Doesn't everyone have a statue of Abe Lincoln in their house?

Only Jason would wear a suit like this to the White House.  I told him it was borderline offensive rather than patriotic.  

The tour was self guided and much quicker than I expected.  I would like to go back and move a little slower and not feel rushed because of all the people.  I didn't take an adequate amount of pictures to fully appreciate it. 

Not a bad view out your backyard!

The rooms were very grand.  I think I was most interested in the regal decor and how nothing was that modern.  I feel like it would change some over the years with time!

Their foyer looks a bit different than mine!

A view from the front.

It was so cold today so we didn't do much sight seeing.  We drove around some, but didn't get out!  We'll for sure go back for more when it warms up.

Jason bought himself some Trump socks from the gift shop.  The perfect addition to his ensemble.  

1 comment:

Annsterw said...

Wow! He is definitely patriotic!!!! Those socks just put him right over the top! HA HA