Thursday, January 20, 2011

stream of consciousness

I always enjoy MckMama's stream of consciousness blog posts so I decided to follow her lead tonight so I don't have to write a detailed post about any one thing.  My school doesn't have a Christmas party during the holidays.  Instead we have a winter celebration.  It was tonight.  I ate my fair share of chips and salsa and was almost too full for my fajitas when they came.  I had a really delicious peppermint fudge brownie for dessert.  I'm still almost too full to breathe.

Bryce was into squealing tonight.  This is what he looks like when he squeals.  I ordered Bryce's birthday invitations last night and then found out today that the gym may not be available after all.  That is my luck.  If that is the case, there will be no party because I will already be over my birthday budget I set because I would have to reorder invitations.  Okay so I can't really cancel his birthday, but I don't know what I will do.  This information was relayed to me from the church secretary who got it from my father-in-law who is obviously Bryce's grandfather so I'm sure he could pull some strings, wink wink!

I've worked two whole days this week.  It seems like a lot!  I'm pretty sure I won't know what to do with myself when I have to work another five day work week.  They are calling for snow next week.  My teacher friends and I already have the "bring it on" mindset.  We have to go to school with students on January 28 to make up our fourth snow day missed instead of having a professional development day.  I don't really care.  If we miss another day, I think we have to go to school on President's day.  That doesn't really bother me either because I'm away from school two days that week anyway for a professional event and a personal day for B-man's birthday.   

Bryce likes to jump in piles.  He takes all of the blankets and towels he can get his hands on and piles them up and jumps in them.  Oh to be almost 2.  Well I really wouldn't want to be 2 again.  Actually I really wouldn't want to be any age again.  I love this time in my life and I look forward to what's to come, like warmer weather.  It has been too cold for too long.  I want green grass, pretty flowers, nice temperatures and open windows.  We had highs in the upper 50's yesterday and it made me happy.  I'm happy tomorrow is Friday.  Night y'all.   

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