Saturday, November 13, 2010

ashland train day

Jason and I took Bryce and Chase up to Ashland this morning for Train Day. They were very excited about it, but neither were excited about riding the miniature train around the streets. We asked both boys a few times if they wanted to ride and each time they answered with a firm "NO". So we didn't ride any trains, but we saw a real train drive through town and they played with some toy trains!
Here we are in Ashland "The Center of the Universe".

This is how our picture taking went. They both said cheese, but would never look at the camera. The sun was bright so as you can see, Bryce looked away form the camera and Chase posed nicely, but had to close his eyes to block the sun!

The real train coming down the tracks.

Eating a snack while we waited and watched the train.

They had some other fun things set up for the kids to do.

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