Tuesday, March 9, 2010


we're doing a lot of this.....
so you won't be seeing much of this.....

We have had some spring weather this week and it is SO nice. Bryce is going to have to start liking shoes so he can walk outside until it is warm enough to go barefoot. We are in full swing packing mode. Our closing is not until March 26, but we are able to get possession of the house on March 20. It will be nice to be able to get in and clean and paint a little before unloading boxes. I don't remember being this stressed out when we moved into this house, but I guess it was because we didn't have to sell anything. You name it, it has come up. I never realized how much it cost to move. Our house needed a lot more repairs than we could have imagined. I know we will love being in the new house, but it is frustrating trying to get out of this one. I told Jason that it is likely that we will die in the next house because I'm not sure I can do all of this again, ha!

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