Monday, July 29, 2024

my birthday weekend

We started celebrating my birthday on Saturday night with dinner at my mom's.  After dinner we went for a golf cart ride and played pickleball.  

Sunday was my actual birthday, and I woke up at 5:30 so I could watch women's gymnastics.

Since I was up so early, I had time to walk, workout and eat a yummy breakfast before church. 

We all made it to church together since Bryce didn't have his game until 4.

Our church is doing an "at the movies" sermon series so we had popcorn during service. 

After church I met my bestie at the pool and she brough lunch and mimosas.  So good!

Such a treasured friendship.  

Icing on the cake when the pool has the coconut sorbet in stock.  They must have known it was my birthday.  

If you know me, you know I don't love the water.  I don't love getting in it and I especially don't love going under.  But, I was peer pressured by a three year old to go down the slide, ha!

Jason and Bryce had gone to northern VA for baseball and Emmy was at youth group so I picked up sushi on the way home from the pool and enjoyed a solo dinner. 

We went to Nana's tonight to celebrate with the whole family.  I requested a cookie dough cake and boy did these guys deliver.  My mom got the recipe and MeMa and the kids made it.  

It looked professional and tasted amazing.  

It was a great few days of being spoiled.

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