Thursday, July 25, 2024

Duck, NC

We left Cleveland early Monday morning, came home for a little over an hour to unpack and repack and hit the road for a few days at the beach with friends.  This is our first time vacationing with friends and now we're ready to do it every year!  You could see the sound and beach from our house. 

After a long day of traveling, Bryce was ready for a swim.  

We made such good timing that we were able to join everyone for dinner on the first night.  These 8 kiddos had the best time and all got along so well.  

We headed out to the beach after dinner for a little dip in the COLD water. 

We hit the beach on Tuesday morning and stayed until a midday storm sent us packing.  

Beach volleyball was a big hit.  

Emmy absolutely loved having a friend to hang out with.  

These two buddies didn't mind the company either. 

The moms!  I'm not sure why I never got the dads.  

The Yonce, Parr, Whitlock boys.  Plus the girls. 

So fun that these friendships have lasted since high school.  

Once the rain passed after dinner on Tuesday it was back out to the beach for fishing and wiffle ball. 

From the pool, hot tub and games, the kids did so well together. 

Emmy and Avery had so much fun. 

We had quite a few rain showers on the trip, but we had plenty of beach and pool time and couldn't complain about the aftermath.  

The house had a putting green that kept the kids entertained for hours.  Lots of high stakes competition out there. 

A couple of days at the beach was just what we needed. 

Our friends the Yonces were gifted this trip to the beach for their son Gavin who went through bone cancer this past year.  This was such a celebration of what God has done in his life this year and healed his body.  We were lucky enough to celebrate with them, some of their extended family and some of our friends.  

We all agreed we must do this again. 

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