Sunday, September 5, 2021

last full week of summer vacation

I tried to pack in some fun this week as we wrap up summer vacation.  We hung around the house Monday morning and then went to the pool with Nana and then met the Caddells at the snow shack after their first day of school.  Second year in a row we've met here on their first day.  Tradition?!

Tuesday was our annual beach day with the Shipleys.  This was our 9th year of beaching with them.

I thought some throwback pictures were in order.  

2013 | 2021

Yorktown Beach was our original destination but we had a jellyfish sting a few years back and the kids are afraid to go back so we've been going to Jamestown Beach for the past three years.

Bryce had his seventh grade open house on Wednesday.  We ran into three of his baseball buddies while there.  The boys are definitely in sync on and off the field!

I didn't take any pictures on Thursday but Jason was able to join us for some putt putt and lunch.  

We took Nana to Kings Dominion on Friday for one last visit this season.

Bryce had baseball practice on Friday but we let him skip so we could watch the first Hoke football game of the season.  It was a good game!  Go HOKIES!

The kids usually start school on Tuesday after Labor Day but our school system does a staggered start due to Covid so the kids get an extra day off!  We'll be living it up while we can!

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