Sunday, September 12, 2021

back to school

We had a low key Labor Day on Monday.  The kids went to the pool with MeMa and PaPa and the cousins and then we cooked out with our neighbors. 

We typically start school on Tuesday after Labor Day but our county now does a staggered start because of covid changes so we didn't start until Wednesday.  So we lived up our last day of summer.  We went to the pool with Nana and then went to lunch and dessert. 

Jason's sister took the kids to Vampire Penguin for fancy shaved snow so they wanted to go back.

Everyone was up much earlier than usual on Wednesday for the first day of school.  

4th and 7th graders this year.

Aren't they cute?!?

After I got both kids to school I met up with some girlfriends for brunch!

Emmy and her besties are in class together again this year!

Bryce wanted to go to the Nascar race since it was in Richmond this weekend.  Jason's not much of a race fan, but he obliged and took the boys!

Bryce had baseball games after church today.  His team went 1-1.  

This week will be our first full week of school with sports every night!  I'm sure we'll be ready for Friday night!

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