Tuesday, June 11, 2019


 With both kids playing sports, we're at the ball field 4-5 days/nights a week!

Bryce's team recently got a few new jerseys so they've been trying them out.

We're his biggest fans.

On this particular night, his team debuted their white jerseys.  Not only did they have white shirts, but they switched to white pants for the first time.

Emmy is such a good sport about watching baseball all weekend!

The end of day 1 and the white jersey wasn't white!  It actually came quite clean though!

Day 2 of the tournament (last one of the season) ended with 3 wins and the boys winning the state championship for the second year in a row.

The trophy stays at the academy, but all the boys enjoy the photo op!

Emmy has loved softball this year and I think she wants to continue next year.

Bryce loves watching and keeping the book at her games.

We had her end of season celebration this weekend, but we've got to go back to make up a game that got rained out.

I ordered softball donuts for the celebration!

Bryce will practice 2 days a week over the summer, but he won't have games until the fall and Emmy is done so we should find ourselves with a little more free time (maybe).

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