Sunday, December 16, 2018

christmas caroling

Tonight we went Christmas caroling with our church and it was quite memorable!  We loaded up the church bus and headed out to visit church members who don't make it to church as much as they'd like.  

We typically split up into groups and go to various houses, but we didn't have as many stops this year so we took the bus and it was so much fun!

These two were excited about their matching shirts!

Mrs. Hadra so excited to have all the kids come sing to her!

The excitement of the night came at our last stop.  We passed the house and needed to turn around.  As Jason's dad was backing up, Bryce told him that he was almost in the ditch and that if he went any further we would be in the ditch.  The next thing we heard was "PaPa, you're in the ditch".  Sure enough the bus was stuck!  We got out and walked to the last house and then Jason came to the rescue and pulled the bus our while all the men pushed!  There is always a good story to tell after Christmas caroling with church!

I don't have any pictures, but after caroling we went back to our associate ministers house for snacks and games.  It was a fun evening!

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