Sunday, February 23, 2025

a crazy week

We had a hard time finding a time to get all of Emmy's school friends together to celebrate her birthday this year!  We settled on President's Day because it was a school holiday, and nobody had sports or out of town events!

The girls love going to the mall so I thought it would be fun to do a scavenger hunt while they were shopping.  We had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and then the girls had a fun afternoon at the mall. 

One of her friends was sick and wasn't able to join us. 

The girls found the yellow dress on the scavenger hunt and then they all chose a different color of the dress and had a fashion show. 

Shoes with really high heels made for a fun time!

After the mall, we came back to our house for a cookie dough ice cream cake and presents.  

The kids went to school on Tuesday (the only day for Emmy and the second day for Bryce) before getting the rest of the week off for snow.  This storm initially called for anything from 3-9 inches.  After and all-day snow event, we probably only ended up with 3 inches, but it was enough to shut school down.  I don't even know how many days this is now, but they're starting to have virtual days to keep up!

Three of the girls in Emmy's friend group have February birthdays so they've been busy celebrating.  She went to a party on Saturday for one of her friends.  The other friend is going to have her party in the spring in order to accommodate everyone's schedules.    

February is a busy birthday month for us!  Bryce celebrates his sweet 16 this week!  We celebrated with family today!

We went to Noodles for lunch and then everyone came to our house for cake and presents.  Bryce has been on a health kick and hasn't been eating much sugar and didn't want a cake.  I told him people want the cake.  He chose Devil's food cake with white icing.  Emmy and I made it, and it was delicious!  We'll celebrate him again on Tuesday after baseball tryouts! 

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