Monday, May 20, 2024

7th up, umpiring and a piano recital

Bryce applied for and was accepted into the 7th Up program for his 10th grade year.  Students in this organization go into 7th and 8th grade classes and teach about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and smoking and teach students about natural highs as an alternative.  We're so proud of him for stepping out and doing this.  I think he'll be a great role model. 

Bryce signed up to be an umpire this spring.  We only signed him up for one weekend a month since he was going to be so busy during the week with school ball.  Unfortunately, this spring has been a bit rainy and two of his weekends have already been rained out. We picked up a machine pitch game this week and we'd forgotten how cute tiny baseball players are.  It was fun to watch but I felt bad for the boys when Bryce called them out.  But I know it's the name of the game. 

Emmy has decided to quit piano for the time being.  Even though she only has lessons once a week, the necessary time commitment to improve her skill was too much with gymnastics and the start of middle school and a little heavier workload.  I'm going to miss her teacher so much.  She's such a gift and has taught Emmy so much in the four years of lessons.  Maybe she'll decide to pick it back up one day. 

She played "Prehistoric Processional" and did a great job.

All of her fans came to support her. 

We've got one full week of school left and then we'll coast into summer next week!

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