Monday, March 8, 2021

the emmy show with an appearance by bryce

As Bryce gets older I feel like he's in front of the camera less often, but he makes an appearance this week.  

We celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday and Read Across America Week at school this week.  I practically had to beg Emmy to wear her Cat in the Hat dress.  I promised her this year (third grade) would be the last time I'd make her wear it.  We also had dress like a book character day and Emmy chose Pinkalicious.  Our friend Barbara whipped up this outfit in no time!  

Today was a busy day.  I snapped a picture of these two cuties at church before we all went different ways.  After church we ate a quick lunch, dropped Bryce off at baseball practice and then headed to Chesapeake for Emmy's gymnastics meet.  So thankful for our village that made it all possible.

Emmy's meet was all virtual with no spectators so Jason and I went to dinner and had a date over zoom!  Emmy did so well.  She got her best floor (9.250 - 4T), beam (9.0 - 2), and bar (9.275 - 3) scores to date and did great as usual on vault (9.5 - 3).  She placed 2nd all around!

Due to covid protocol there wasn't an awards ceremony so she'll get her medals at practice this week.  She did get a shamrock duck (the meet was the Shamrock Invitational) for not falling off the beam though!  We love watching her have fun and improve in a sport she loves!

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