Sunday, March 9, 2025

not much to report

My stay-at-home mom days came to an end a couple of weeks ago.  I'm working two part time jobs, and they are keeping me busy!  I've been able to carve out just a few hours to work in between morning school drop off and afternoon school pick up.  The evenings are spent driving the kids around and hopefully getting dinner on the table.  Jason and I used to squeeze in Friday day dates, but this is the first time I've worked on Fridays in 13 years so there hasn't been time for dates.  We did manage to find a couple of hours for us on Saturday afternoon.      

We went to a local winery for a sparkling flight.  

They also had a lobster food truck, so I knew there'd be something for Jason too!

We were able to sit outside in the sun and not freeze.  Spring is coming and boy does that make me happy!

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