Sunday, December 20, 2020

it's almost christmas

When school started in the fall we were so thankful to have the choice to go back in person.  We had no idea how long it would last, but we made it to Christmas break without going virtual.  We ended up getting an "ice" day off of school on Thursday so Emmy only had 4 days to sport her Christmas attire this week.

Emmy has been friends with these girls since kindergarten.  I just had to snap a "now" picture on them on Friday when their first grade Christmas party picture popped up on my Time Hop.

Bryce's school had spirit week this week.  I forgot to get a picture of candy cane day on Monday, but he wore red and white.  Tuesday was plaid/flannel day.

Wednesday was Grinch/green day.

Friday was tacky "sweater" and fuzzy sock day since they missed school on Thursday.  He opted not to wear fuzzy socks.

Wednesday was cold and rainy and I couldn't wait to get home from work so I could curl up under a blanket, read and enjoy the lights.

Beef stew for dinner was perfect on a cold/rainy night.

This little guy was delivered on Thursday morning and was full of lots of yummy treats.

It's not Christmas until Santa comes on the fire truck!

Bryce finished up a 6 week strength training and tumbling class on Friday.

We drove around and looked at Christmas lights last night!

Our church went back to virtual services today so the kids weren't able to have their Sunday school class Christmas parties but they were able to have a virtual party.

They played minute to win it games, made gingerbread creations, and played kahoot!  It was a fun time.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

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