Sunday, October 11, 2020

same old, same old

Our weeks are predictable.  Work/school, sports, homework, repeat. 

Bryce had a little league game on Monday night.  He enjoys playing different positions that he normally doesn't play in travel.  

Emmy was festive on Tuesday.

I accidently wore my slippers to school on Tuesday.  Oops!  Bryce had baseball practice and Emmy had gymnastics on Tuesday night so I stayed home and cleaned.  We were back at the field for a little league game on Wednesday night.

Bryce has been gotten burnt out on the new lengthy school day, followed by lots of homework and sports every night so we took Thursday night off.  We went out for a special snack after school and spent a gift card at Barnes and Noble.  It was a nice night off.

Emmy drove herself to school on Friday!

Jason and I were both off on Friday so we went out to lunch while the kids were in school.  They both had sports in the evening, but we enjoyed an entire day off of all the things yesterday!  Today we went to church and lunch and now we're have a rainy lazy afternoon ahead!

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