Saturday, June 8, 2019

busch gardens

We enjoyed an all expenses paid trip to Busch Gardens today!  Jason's company does family fun days once a year and you can choose tickets to different events.  We choose Busch Gardens every year because it fits our schedule the best.  After days of rain, we couldn't have asked for better weather.  It was overcast, cool and not too humid.  

Le Catapult is one of our favorites.  We usually end up there first.  The kids decided to ride together so Jason and I rode together.

Emmy was tall enough to ride one "real" roller coaster this year.  We were all going to ride, but you had to rent a locker for your belongings for this particular ride so I sat out and saved the $7 locker rental.

Bryce is able to ride quite a few of the roller coasters so Emmy and I do our own thing while we wait for them.

We ended the evening with a family ride on the Grover coaster!

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