Tuesday, September 8, 2015

we have a first grader

Bryce couldn't wait for school to start!  It helped that he got the teacher he wanted and there were plenty of familiar faces in his class!
The night before Kindergarten and first grade!

We were up and at 'em right on time this morning with plenty of time to spare for pictures!

Nana bought him a new outfit to wear today, but my poor little boy is still too small for the smallest boys clothes that don't have a number size, ha!

He's growing up!

I asked Bryce to ride the bus to school just this week so I could get my picture and he could make sure he knew what to do if he ever has to ride in the mornings, but we'll be back to walking next week!

Bryce was all smiles when he got off the bus today.  I asked him what his favorite part of the day was and he said, "All of it!".  Unfortunately, his best buddy, Thomas, isn't in his class this year, but he was excited to find that they have recess together!

A Dairy Queen treat was the perfect way to end the first day of school.

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