- He loves pulling himself up, whether it's on his toy box or holding on to our hands.
- He is getting better at crawling everyday (video to come).
- He is trying to lean over into a crawling position from sitting.
- He loves to eat.........he likes all the jar food we have given him except green beans. He really loves bananas and sweet potato puffs in his mesh teether.
- He has slept through the night the last 2 nights. (I know that it could be a fluke, especially with the ear infection, but I'm hoping we have turned a corner in the sleep routine.) I even had to wake him up today to go to Kelly's.
- He has the cutest smile and he loves to show it off!
- He is still wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
- He has had 3 great weeks in the nursery at church.
- He is becoming more and more aware of the things around him.
I have enjoyed every month and the milestones Bryce has reached, but the past month has been the best so far. He is at such a fun stage right now and I am so sad that I have had to go back to work and miss his sweet smile and personality every day. I know it's a part of life so I am cherishing every minute I get to spend with him in the morning and evening. I don't want to wish my life away, but I started counting down the days until summer vacation as soon as school started! I knew having a baby would be exciting, but I never knew Bryce would bring us this much joy. If I posted a picture of myself, my smile would be just as big as Bryce's!!
so true, having a baby is so much better than you can imagine!!
I hope your sweet boy feels better soon. It is hard to see our baby's feel badly! But, at least he is taking it in stride with that big smile. I hope your transition back to work goes well. Have a great weekend! Ginger
This kid is hilarious!! Uncle Grant has left an impression I see. I'm so proud.
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