Saturday, May 30, 2009

3 months

If you can't tell from the length of time between blog posts, work (and all of the end of year business that comes along with it), trying to sell our house (and getting/keeping it clean in case anyone EVER comes to look at it), and just being a mommy, every hour of my day is booked. I don't know where all 24 hours of my day go, but they go quick. If I'm lucky, 7 of those hours are used sleeping! However, I wouldn't change it for the world! I can't complain because I only have 11 more days of school and then I get to be a stay home mommy for almost 3 months! Speaking of 3 months..........our little man is 3 months. I'm a few days late getting these pictures up. He is getting so big so fast! No doctor visit this month so I don't have any updates on how much he has grown. Even though he is not in the next size clothes yet, by the looks of his growing chubbiness, he has definitely gained some weight.

Bryce sure has changed in 3 months. Here is what he is up to these days:
  • He is a great sleeper. We put him to bed between 8 and 9 and he gets up to eat between 3:30 and 5 and then goes back to bed until about 7.
  • He loves to eat. He eats every three hours (like clockwork). Thank goodness he understands night time sleep and can let more than 3 hours pass between feedings.
  • He loves to smile.
  • He doesn't need toys because he has his hands! He loves to hold his hands and eat them!
  • He has started wearing a bib because drooling and blowing bubbles (I'm working on getting a picture of this) is his favorite sport.
  • His mommy and daddy love listening to him talk. The high pitched squeals of joy are my favorite. I'm patiently waiting for him to laugh.
  • He is still wearing 0-3 month clothes and wearing size 1 diapers. He is almost out of both, but I'm not ready to put him in the next size up because that means he is getting bigger and I just love how cute and little he and everything else are/were.
  • He can hold his head up on his own.

I'm sure there are things I have missed. This month we will be working on getting him to nap in the crib more and not in our arms (even though we love it, we just don't get much accomplished), enjoying tummy time so he will lift his head up more, and rolling. I'm glad I'll be home more to help him accomplish all this!

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