Wednesday, April 1, 2009


8290 North Mayfield Lane is officially for sale. I'm still in shock as I look at the for sale sign in front of our house. Last summer Jason and I were looking at houses to prepare for the new baby. When we couldn't find anything that met our needs/wants, we gave up. We found that our house was perfectly suitable, even with the addition of a new baby. So why are we moving, you ask?! Who knows!! For some reason, I went online last week and searched for houses that would meet our need for 4 cars worth of garage space. Believe it or not...........there was 1 house. Jason and I went and looked at the house and it was love at first sight for Jason. I was not as convinced. We went back a second time and I was a little less pleased and Jason was still all for it. After much thought and deliberation, we decided to take the plunge. We have put an offer on the house and will have to wait to see if our house sells before moving further. I know I will love the new house in the end, but leaving our first house is more emotional than I ever imagined.

1 comment:

Heather said...

ah, moving isn't easy--even if you stay in the same area. i remember when the whitlock's left the one house to move to Rural Point Ct.--even that was hard. i can't wait to see the one you want!!